Additional TGP Opportunity: Prayer for Specific Lost People

Today’s post is dedicated to a new opportunity available to the TGP team to “up our game” in the vitally important matter of lost individuals and their need for salvation.

TGP members are invited to reply to this email/text with the first name only of any unsaved individuals with whom they have had personal contact. On January 20, an email fromĀ will be sent to anyone who has submitted a name(s). This email will have a pdf document that lists those first names in alphabetical order. Participating TGP members can then print the list, and post it in a place they will see daily: inside a kitchen cabinet, car, Bible, sock drawer, etc. By several of us praying for a few people a day, we can keep their names before the throne of God. Lord willing, this will make a difference in the life-and-death battle for souls.

The plan is for the list to be updated and then re-emailed on the 20th of each month.

If you have any first names you would like to submit for prayer, please do so before January 19.

Thank you for considering joining this extended ministry of TGP. The gravity of a person’s decision whether or not to accept Christ’s blood as the only possible atonement for sin is of eternal weight.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18)
