Saturday Morning Recap

Isaiah 45:5

“I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me…”

1.   God’s Omnipresence & Koror, Palau: Pray for a worker at the Blue Palau Gift Shop to hear about God’s omnipresence, and come to know that in a personal way through receiving the gift of salvation.

2.   God’s Righteousness & Xidajiao, China: Jesus said in John 16 that one of the Holy Spirit’s jobs would be to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Pray for  a student in Xidajiao who is studying traditional Chinese characters to ponder the meaning of the character for “righteous,” and to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s conviction in her heart. Pray for the Lord to provide that student with the complete gospel message of how to obtain personal righteousness through faith in the Lamb of God.

3.   Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

God’s Justice & Osana, Namibia

God’s Joy & Cambridge, USA

God’s Omniscience & Fenua Fala, Tokelau

God’s Fatherhood & Banja, Serbia

Thank you for praying!
