New Series Introduction

TGP regularly rotates through cities from all the continents, working our way through every country of the world. Sometimes, that is combined with a particular theme, such as categories of church workers, a focus on places with a high level of religious persecution, or cities located near large lakes/rivers. Also included every day is at least one Scripture reference, often relating directly to the goal of making Jesus known to the peoples of the world. Today marks the introduction for a new month long series.

Two days ago, I was listening to a sermon on intercessory prayer by Dr. Mark Ballard. In it, he mentioned that we should base our prayers on both the character and Word of God. This practice can often be seen in the prayers recorded in Scripture. While TGP has prayed in direct reference to many Scriptures, we have not had a specific focus on the attributes of our great God, so that will be theme for June’s posts.

Subtracting Saturday’s posts (which are used to recap the week), that leaves twenty-four qualities of our Lord to pray through as they relate to worldwide evangelism and discipleship. If there is a particular attribute you would like to be included, please email that to

Tomorrow begins this focus. As always, thank you for praying!
