Hoyt, USA*


1.   Hoyt, Colorado, is a small unincorporated township in Colorado. Pray that on this Lord’s Day one of those people will come to know Him.

2.   The Hoyt Radio Tower stands well over a third of a mile high. It is Colorado’s tallest man-made structure, and one of the tallest structures in the world. It has strobe lights to prevent collisions with aircraft. The tower services two of Denver’s FM stations and aids in emergency services. Pray for the salvation of a technician who regularly maintenances the Hoyt Radio Tower.

3.   One hundred years ago, a baby girl was born in Hoyt. Today her living descendants number around one hundred people. Pray for each of them to know and faithfully love and walk with Jesus.

2 Corinthians 4:5

*This city was a request of a TGP team member. Anyone who would like a particular city to be featured in the future may email that request to targetedglobalprayer@gmail.com.
