Lake Victoria: Australia

Named for the same British queen as Africa’s Lake Victoria, Australia’s Lake Victoria is smaller, yet also of historical and current importance. It is part of the Murray-Darling Drainage Basin, and has been a First Nation place of living for thousands of years. It currently does not exceed a depth of eighteen feet, and serves as a reservoir for extra water from the Murray River, releasing water to the south as needed.

1.   Pray for the salvation of an archaeologist who has excavated around Lake Victoria. Many artifacts have been uncovered, but pray for an archaeologist to find an even greater treasure in the truth of the Word of God.

2.   Pray for Christian outreaches among Australia’s aboriginal people to being forth much fruit.

3.   Pray for the professional who makes the final call on regulating water flow out of Lake Victoria to cheerfully let the Lord make the final decisions for his life.

Revelation 22:1,17
