Lake Victoria: Africa

Lake Victoria is:

1. Africa’s largest lake

2. Earth’s largest tropical lake

3. Earth’s second largest freshwater lake by surface area

Forty million people (and growing quickly every year) live in the drainage basin of Lake Victoria, from the countries of Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, and Uganda. The lake is the source of the Nile River. David Livingston was one of several British explorers in the 1800’s who worked to confirm or deny this fact when it was still in question.

1.   This picture is from a park along the coastline of Mwanza, a Tanzanian town famous for its granite rock. Pray for the next person who steps on the pictured rocks to find a sure footing for life by placing faith in Christ alone.

2.   Just as the Nile’s source was a topic of debate and much exploration, the source of true happiness and significant meaning in life is also. Pray for a Ugandan worker at one of Lake Victoria’s many resorts to personally find the answer to this vital quest.

3.  Harvesting 2,000,000,000 pounds of fish annually, the lake provides the world’s biggest freshwater fish supply. * Pray for Christians among the 200,000 workers in that industry to walk in the Spirit today.

Revelation 22:1,17

