One of Our Own

Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.Galatians 6:2

TGP is a group of believers who love Jesus, care about people, and are doing something where those two facts intersect. We are small in number, but our vision is eternally grand, because it is the echo of the Father’s heart: that Jesus would be known to the peoples of the world, one individual at a time.

Today we put down our global binoculars to link arms in prayer for one of our own. This individual was one of the very earliest to sign up for TGP, and has faithfully prayed day in and day out. Now in the midst of a life-altering medical event, she needs our prayer. Three times in the past 24 hours, she has quoted lines from the song, “Each step I take, the Savior goes before me…” And He does, as He will.

Please use your TGP prayer minute today for the following requests:

1. That no matter what happens medically, she will always continue to be aware of His Presence.

2. That, if the Father wills, her recovery would far surpass the current prognosis.

3. That every family member and physician would exhibit wisdom from above in decisions to be made.

Thank you for praying!

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Heb. 13:8
