Specific Prayer Requests for Today

TGP is pausing the Sister City Series for a day to ask for prayer for the requests below. As always, the overarching prayer is that many Israelis will trust Jesus as their Messiah during this time of national trauma.

1.   Hostages: Pray for their protection and soon release. Pray that if there is a Christian among them, the Lord will show Himself strong and be glorified in/through that believer.

2.   Gaza Hospital: Yesterday a hospital in Gaza was hit and hundreds of people killed. Hamas immediately blamed Israel, and media sources reported those statements as fact. Israeli officials have presented evidence to US military leaders that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian rocket misfire. Pray for the truth to be known and acknowledged by the international community. Pray for Gaza’s civilians injured in the blast to receive the care they need on all levels.

3.   President Biden’s Visit: Pray for the Lord to give clarity of thought to the president, and direct all meetings (as Proverbs 21:1 says He can easily do) for His glory. Pray for other regional aggressors to back away from conflict.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

Revelation 22:20
