Sister Cities Series

In 1956, President Eisenhower started Sister Cities, Inc., an organization designed to foster peaceful relations between US and international cities. Currently, there are fifty-one US and Israeli sister cities.

TGP is beginning a prayer series focused on those sister cities. If you would like for your city (or your hometown, etc.) and its corresponding Israeli sister city to be featured, please reply to this email (or contact with the name of the US city of your choice. In a case where that city does not have an Israeli sister city, the closest geographical city to it that does will be featured.

In the meantime, let us continue to pray for the following:

1.   Pray for the Lord to protect Israel by deflecting missiles from their targets and bringing terrorists to swift justice.

2.   Pray for many Israelis to turn to Jesus their Messiah during this time.

3.   Pray for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing for those suffering as a result of the terrorist attacks.

4.   Pray for the international community to see the truth and stand by Israel.

5.   Pray for the Lord to encourage Israeli Christians today with a renewed sense of His compassion, strength, and presence.

Psalm 67:6-7
