Quang Ngai, Vietnam

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Quang Ngai.

1. Pray that every motorcyclist who crosses this intersection today will have an opportunity to hear the gospel before the end of the year.

2. Not far off the coast of Quang Ngai is the island of Ly Son, used long ago by the Cham people as a stopping off point in their shipping industry. Fresh water could be drawn for ships from the Xo La well, which is still in use today. Pray that the manager of that well will meet the Savior Who visited Jacob’s well long ago to save a Samaritan woman.

3. English is not commonly used in Quang Ngai. However, pray for any Christians who speak English to come across printed / audiovisual materials that will aid them in their walk with Christ.

Psalm 67:4

This post was originally published on October 2, 2023.
