Aura, Finland

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Aura.

1. Pray for every person living in a home in this picture to have an opportunity this year to have his heart made whiter than snow.

2. Aura is named after the Aura River, and “aura” is the Finnish word for “plow.” The shape of the area is roughly that of a plow. Pray for any Christians in Aura to find strength/rest in the fact that they are in the yoke with the gentle Master, whose burden is light (Mt. 11:28-30).

3. In the Middle Ages, pilgrimages were often made to the Turku Cathedral, which is a thirty-one minute drive from Aura. Recently, Aura River Pilgrimages have begun again as an advertised way to find a spiritual connection with history and/or nature. Stops along the way range from Iron Age ritual to Catholic to Evangelical Lutheran sites. Pray for a pilgrim to meet Jesus, the only true spiritual connection to the Father’s gifts of forgiveness, purpose, and peace.

Psalm 67:2

This post was originally published on September 20, 2023.
