Remote Areas of Kyrgyzstan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of the remote areas of Kyrgyzstan.

1. On the right side of the picture is a “little house on the prairie.” Several horses are grazing in the field, and the haze of distant mountains is visible in the background. Kyrgyzstan has many remote areas such as this, single dwellings away from any town or village. Pray for the light of the gospel to penetrate even these hard-to-get-to places.

2. Pray for someone working with horses in a remote area to hear about and follow the Horseman Who will one day ride down from the sky on a white horse to reign over all the earth.

3. Pray for distribution of the Kyrgyz Bible to increase, and be received with open hearts.

Psalm 67:1

This post was originally published on September 11, 2023.
