Atacames, Ecuador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Atacames.

1. Fritadas is a traditional Ecuadorian dish of braised pork ribs slow cooked in orange juice, onions, garlic, and cumin. Once the liquid has evaporated/been absorbed, the meat browns in the remaining spices/grease. It is often served with potato tortillas. Pray for the cook at this restaurant who will be preparing fritadas today to hear, understand , and believe a clear presentation of the gospel.

2. Bolones are balls made of green plantains that have been fried, mashed, stuffed with white cheese and bacon, then rolled into a ball and fried again until crispy. Pray for a patron at the restaurant who will order bolones today to think about the Creator Who has given us the ability to invent and enjoy different food combinations.

3. Atacames is located right on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and is a popular vacation destination. One of the hotels there is named the Arco Iris, or “Rainbow.” Pray for a vacationer staying at that hotel to receive and read a copy of the Scriptures, that he may discover (and by faith become a recipient of) the wonderful promises our God makes to His children.

Proverbs 1:7
