Decherd, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Decherd.

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1. This cross is on the grounds of Camp Rain, a Christian summer camp near Decherd, Tennessee. This week, the camp is hosting an intensive CEF training camp for Christian Youth in Action volunteers from across the state. Beginning next week, these young people will be leading 5-day clubs throughout the state: teaching Bible and missionary stories, memory verses, and songs in community centers, churches, and backyards. Praise God for every young person across our nation willing to step up to the plate to make a difference for His kingdom, and pray for His hand to always be on their lives. Pray for there to be a bountiful spiritual harvest in the lives of the children they will be presenting God’s Word to this summer.

2. Pray for physical stamina for all the leaders and campers as they finish out the week.

3. Pray for someone in Decherd who is passionate about baseball to be even more excited about knowing and walking with the Lord.

Psalm 96:7
