Cusco, Peru

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Cusco.

1. This statue honors the most famous Incan leader/martyr in the Great Andean Revolt of 1780-1783. It is located in a plaza where handicrafts are sold on the weekends. Pray that three teenagers inspired by Jose Gabriel Tupac Amaru’s story will also hear about the Rider who will one day mount a white horse to victoriously lead heaven’s armies (Rev. 19:11-16). Pray that those youth will give their adoring allegiance to this Lord of Lords.

2. Pray for an artisan preparing items to sell this weekend to accept Jesus and thus become one of the Father’s own workmanship pieces (Eph. 2:10).

3. Pray for someone eating pesto in Cusco to realize that it is the God of the Bible Who has invented enjoyable food flavors, and to express gratitude to Him for all His gifts.

Psalm 96:7
