Los Angeles, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Los Angeles.

While it might seem surreal to include a city from “the land of the free and the home of the brave” in a month whose prayer focus is the persecuted church, it is, unfortunately, applicable. Religious freedoms are being increasingly and viciously attacked in the USA. Ultimately, this is because people do not like being told (or even wordlessly reminded by a Godly life) that they are accountable to a holy God. Vehement attacks on creationism, morality, freedom to follow dictates of conscience, sanctity of life, gender identity – all stem from a desire to be justified and applauded in our rebellion. However, God is still and always will be on His throne, as Psalm 2 masterfully declares. He wins, and He is with us.

  1. Los Angeles, California, was chosen for today’s TGP city because it is home to several abortion clinics. Pray for those involved in that industry to realize the truth of Isaiah 5:20, and turn from their evil ways.
  2. Pray for Biblical churches in Los Angeles to have the power of God evident in their services and in the daily lives of their members.
  3. Pray that a woman planning to go to the abortion clinic pictured above will come across a portion of Scripture that draws her to Jesus, and that she will choose His plan for her soul and her baby’s life.

Isaiah 5:20 – “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
