1 Year of Prayer

Today is the one year anniversary of Targeted Global Prayer! 374 cities from around the world have been featured and prayed for, representing almost every country of the world. Thank you so much to each person who prays faithfully for Jesus to be known to the peoples of the world. For today, first of all, pray for any three requests you remember from previous TGP posts. Next, please pray especially that the Lord would direct more of His children to join with us daily. Committing to one minute of prayer may not seem that important, but we serve a big God Who delights to use little things for His glory. One minute of intercession from many of His children will, we trust, make a big difference in eternity.

  • Another milestone this past week was the ten year anniversary of Bill Hall’s devotional commentary, which walks through the gospels one verse at a time. If you would like to receive those in your inbox, follow the link below to sign up. You can also enter a particular reference (any verse in Matthew, Mark, or Luke 1-14) to look up if you ever have questions about its meaning / application.
  • https://reviveustoday.com/subscribe-to-devotional/

John 17:3
