Fakaofo, Tokelau

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Fakaofo.

  1. Tokelau is a territory of New Zealand, geographically halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. Fakaofo is a the largest atoll (coral island encompassing a lagoon) of the territory. Around 500 people live on Fakaofo. Pray for someone today who has heard the Word of God but not yet accepted it to do so.
  2. Tokelau is the first nation to be 100% solar powered (wikipedia). Pray for workers who maintain solar equipment to also personally decide to access the Son’s power / resources in their daily lives.
  3. Fakaofo has swimming pigs that catch fish. Pray for animal lovers on the island to see the kindness of the Lord in providing for all of His creatures.

Romans 3:10-24

This post was originally published on January 29, 2022.
