Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

- Notice the blue fire hydrant at the bottom left of the picture. A blue hydrant indicates a connection to a large water main, typically meaning that there would be a water flow of 1500 gallons per minute, suitable for fighting large fires. (The standard red fire hydrant is at the lowest end of the spectrum of hydrant colors, meaning that water flow would be less than 500 gallons per minute.) Pray for the salvation of the person whose job it is to oversee the inspection / maintenance of fire hydrants in the Sugar Hill neighborhood of New York City.
- Pray for the next Christian who looks out one of the pictured building’s corner windows, that he or she will view current life circumstances through the window of faith in God’s promises, as opposed to an impossible wall of obstacles.
- The green area at the left end of the block that our map marker is on is the Carmansville Playground. Pray for the Lord to save and call a boy to preach from among the children who frequent the playground.
Revelation 5:9