Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

- An umbrella can be compared to Jesus, in that He is the One Who shields us from the righteous judgment of sin because He experienced the impact of that wrath in our place. Pray for the two people pictured above, that they will hear how to take refuge under His offer of salvation, and do so.
- Pray for the people who secured the white and green signs to the telephone pole, that just as they did so hoping to catch people’s attention to read their specific announcements, so their own attention will be drawn to the best announcement of all time, and that they will act on that Good News.
- We are currently near Bronx Community College. Pray for Christian students there to make / keep it a habit to daily sit at the feet of Christ, in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3).
Ezekiel 14:6