Brooklyn – Queens Expressway & 48th St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. We have crossed into our fourth New York City borough: Queens. Pray for a city bus driver whose regular route is along this road, that he himself will be on the “gospel bus”* to heaven.
  2. The pictured corner store is the Gaza Deli Grocery & Grill. Pray for an employee there to hear and understand the gospel, and accept Jesus as his Savior.
  3. Calvary Cemetery is a huge cemetery divided into four sections, to represent the four main sections of the ancient Roman catacombs. There are currently more than 1,750,000 people buried at the cemetery. Pray for any living Christian family members of believers buried there to be encouraged today by the guaranteed fact that all who trust in Jesus will one day be reunited forever.

2 Corinthians 12:9

  • This phrase used by J. V. McGee’s “Through the Bible” radio program.