Rust St., between Flushing Ave. & Grand Ave., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. Less than a block away from our map marker is United Basket, a company that makes gift baskets to sell. Pray for a lady working there to give herself fully to the Lord, as the boy gave his loaves and fishes to Jesus long ago, and then for God to use her life greatly, multiplying her gift to Him.
  2. Pray for today’s driver of the pictured red truck, that he will tune into a Christian radio station or receive a gospel tract, and believe the truth.
  3. Matthew 14:34-36 describes the incredible response the people of Gennesaret had when Jesus came to their town. When God through the Holy Spirit reaches out to convict the hearts of the people in the pictured skyline view buildings, pray for them to likewise have a faith-filled response.

2 Corinthians 12:9
