I 278, close to 27th St., NYC

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
  1. In contrast to the the word on the wall yesterday, notice the white capital letters on the building in the center of today’s picture: LEAVE A MARK. Pray for Christians in Brooklyn who are trying wholeheartedly to leave a mark for the kingdom of God in their city, but are challenged by great obstacles, that the Lord will grant the victory of Christ today in situations they face.
  2. Pray for a city bus driver on Interstate 278  to receive a gospel tract from a Christian passenger, and read and believe the truth.
  3. Pray for someone working in the building with all the windows who feels lonely on this Valentine’s Day to meet the God Whose love surpasses any human love.

Luke 10:2
