Thank you from New York City

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

In 2024, metro NYC is recorded as having a population of 19.03+ million people (NYC proper reports 8.09+ million residents). The first US census was taken in 1790, and in that and every subsequent census, NYC has ranked first as our most populous city. There are 200 languages spoken there, and people from the Dominican Republic and China make up the two largest foreign-born segments of the population.

There are five boroughs (governmental districts) that comprise the city. Our prayer walk has taken us through Manhattan and Staten Island so far, and we will be walking through the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn. We have walked 27 miles, which is 38% of our 71.02 total virtual prayer walk distance.

The photo above was taken above Queens, NYC last night. The lights stretched expansively in a 360° circle, and are even reflected on the plane’s wing.

In light of the opportunity to be in NYC for a couple of hours yesterday, it is a fitting time to thank each of you for your participation in praying for people there. Your involvement in our virtual prayer walk is an investment in eternity. When both a lost person is saved and a Christian grows in his walk with the Lord, it is most often the result of several believers joining with God in His work to reach that individual. We trust that the Lord will use our prayers to the same end for His glory.

So, thank you for praying! Though your feet may never physically walk the streets of New York City, the spiritual shoe leather of your prayers has the potential to leave imprints that will last forever in the souls of people for whom Jesus died. For today’s prayer request, please ask the Lord to save the individuals who received gospel tracts at the airport last night.

Let’s keep walking and praying!

1 Timothy 2:5-6
