World News Today

In an avalanche of volatile world events, everyday there are breaking news stories which represent multitudes of human lives affected and in need of prayer. Today, three of those are TGP’s focus:

  1. Japan’s megaquake advisory: As a result of last Thursday’s 7.1 earthquake, conditions in the undersea Nankai Trough could produce a 9.1 magnitude megaquake and tsunami. Japanese citizens have been advised to prepare as best they can, as especially the next week is a time of concern. Pray for everyone facing anxiety over the unknown future to hear the gospel and how to find stability in the unchanging Lord of all.
  2. Major protests in Serbia against lithium mining occurred yesterday. Pray for an individual caught up in the political fervor to discover and choose the best Cause to live for – the kingdom of our God and of His Christ.
  3. Pray for the many families of people who died in a plane crash in Brazil on Friday, including eight cancer doctors.

Luke 1:37
