Quilpie, Australia

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Quilpie.

1. Ask the Lord to send a gospel witness into the life of every child who plays on this bridge in the John Waugh Park today, that they may have opportunities to cross the only bridge linking God to man – Jesus.

2. “Fairy Bread” is a special treat that Australian children enjoy: white sandwich bread topped with butter and “100’s & 1,000’s” (sprinkles). The Mulga Mates Centre is a preschool, kindergarten, and day care in Quilpie. Pray for the children there who will eat fairy bread at a birthday party this month to hear about and want to know the “God Who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Tim. 6:17) *

3. In 2021, Quilpie was home to 800 people. In hopes to attract five new families, free land on which to build was offered. Town officials were surprised that within a couple weeks of the offer, 250 requests for details were received. (https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/australian-town-has-unusual-plan-to-get-people-to-move-there-/6280330.html). Pray for families who have since moved to Quilpie to also take advantage of the Lord’s standing offer for a free dwelling place (with no strings attached) in His city.

Romans 10:17

*Thanks to my daughter for telling us about fairy bread after reading about it in her math book, and making it for our family to try.

This post was originally published on February 1, 2023.
