God’s Omniscience & Fenua Fala, Tokelau

Acts 15:18

“Known to God from eternity are all His works.”

Psalm 139:1

“O LORD, You have searched me and known me.”

Psalm 147:5

“Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.”

God’s omniscience is at once both vast and minute. He has always intuitively known everything about everything. The breadth and depth of His knowledge are forever beyond human attainment. The Bible says He has named each star, yet He also knows every time a sparrow falls (Ps. 147:4, Matt. 10:29-31). He thinks about each of us more times than there are grains of sand (Ps. 139). His omniscience even extends to the realm of “what if” possibilities (Matt. 11:20-24).

Though we single them out for study, God’s attributes combine in a beautiful kaleidoscope that brings Him great glory. Think of a child holding up a kaleidoscope to the light and catching his breath at how the colored pieces of glass are arranged and reflected in intricate patterns. In the same way, adoration is the appropriate response when, by the light of Scripture, we see God’s omniscience, wisdom, omnipotence, and benevolence forming beautiful combinations in history, creation,  and our own lives. What vastness is His Whose understanding is infinite, yet what love He possesses to know every time we sit down and stand up!

1.   Fenua Fala is one of two settled areas on the atoll of Fakaofo, whose total population is around five hundred people. Fakaofo was TGP’s featured location on February 19, 2023, and can be referenced for interesting facts. Pray for the Lord to bring a copy of Psalm 139 to the attention of a worker at St. Joseph’s Hospital, and for that person to respond in faith and worship.

2.   Pray for an individual at The University of the South Pacific to not be so caught up in human knowledge that he thinks he doesn’t need to know the omniscient God. Pray for the Spirit to work in that person’s life to draw him to salvation.

3.   Pray for someone at the Fakaofo Wharf today to remember any gospel witness he has received, and respond in obedience and faith. If that person is already a Christian, pray for him to marvel at and be encouraged by his Lord’s omniscience.
