May Pen, Jamaica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of May Pen.

1. Notice the contrasting objects in the background and foreground: an unused planting box with trash thrown into it, and an architecturally appealing clock tower. Pray for someone walking on this street today who feels as valueless as trash, and for someone who views himself to be like the stately clock tower. Pray that both of them will recognize their need for the Savior and their value in His estimation, which is what really counts.

2. Pray for the current spiritual, volunteer, and financial needs of Biblical churches in Jamaica to be met.

3. May Pen was first established as a British cattle farm settlement around 1670. Pray for every living descendant of those original town settlers to hear a clear presentation of the gospel, and believe.

Psalm 67:2

This post was originally published on September 22, 2023.
