Action Request: Prayer and a Letter

This morning at church, our pastor (Adam Love, Grace Baptist Church) shared information about a brother in Christ. As TGP members, we daily pray for Christ to be known to the peoples of the world. Sometimes, that is all we can do. Other times, there are additional action steps that can be taken. This is one of those times. Please read the short summary below, and then follow the link below for more information.

Pictured above is Zhang Wen Shi, a deacon in a Chinese church along the Chinese – North Korean border. He was kidnapped and taken to North Korea in November of 2014, and has been incarcerated there ever since. Voice of the Martyrs is requesting that many people send this short, respectful message to the UN ambassador from North Korea: “We request the return of Zhang Wen Shi to China.”

Letters may be mailed to:

Kim Song, UN Ambassador

820 2nd Ave. RM 13b

New York, NY  10017

For more of Zwang Wen Shi’s story, follow this link:

Thank you for praying & writing!
