Rural Mongolia

Eight days ago the TGP city featured was Arvaikheer, Mongolia. It was the first time a city from Mongolia had been featured. The goal of TGP is to pray for cities in every country of the world, and although I thought this had been accomplished for the first time a couple years ago, I realized on May 8 that I had overlooked Mongolia unintentionally.

Two days ago I came across a 2023 edition of ABWE’s magazine, the Message. I was leafing through it to see if there were any articles I wanted to cut out and save, and the first article featured rural Mongolia, so it caught my attention due to the recent TGP feature.

“How can I know how to ask God for help?” one Mongolian girl questioned. The country as a whole is 98% unreached, and there is little access to the Bible. Two Americans and their national partners were visiting a town and holding a children’s summer outreach program along the riverbank. There are no known Christians in the town.

There is an app with a free audio Bible in the Mongolian language, so the workers were able to share that.

Today’s three requests will once again focus on Mongolia, but with specific needs mentioned in the article:

1.   Pray for the Word of God to be widely available to the people of Mongolia, both in its printed and audio forms.

2.   The development of a discipleship booklet is in progress, so pray for its successful completion and distribution.

3.   Pray for safety of believers, and for opportunities for fellowship with other Christians.

Matthew 22:37-38

To read the article in its entirety, email
