Seine River (France): Europe

From its source near Dijon to its discharge into the English Channel, the Seine River drains most of Northern France, and its history is inseparably linked to the nation’s. Dating back to 500 BC, the largest ancient bronze vessel in the world (5 feet, 5 inches tall) was found in a burial mound for the Lady of Vix. Additionally, this week in AD 845 Vikings sailed up the Seine and looted Paris. In modern history, the Seine River was part of the WW2 Allied campaign to free France from Nazi control. It was also the location for the 1900 Summer Olympics, and will be again for the opening international boat parade of this year’s Summer Olympics. However, since 1923 river swimming has been banned, because pollution has been a problem for 500 years.

1.   Pray for someone involved in planning the upcoming Olympic boat parade to trust Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.

2.  Missionary endeavors in France typically take a long time to see results, due to the characteristic European mindset regarding Christianity. Pray for a missionary there to be encouraged to keep serving Jesus today.

3.  Pray for a family planning to attend Easter mass this weekend to hear about the correct Biblical way of salvation, and believe.

Revelation 22:1,17
