Artibonite River: North America

1.   Haiti, through which most of the Artibonite River flows, has been the scene of political upheaval in recent days. Pray for innocent lives to be protected today, and for the Lord to bring a gang leader to a saving knowledge of Himself.

2.   At 199 miles, the Artibonite River is the longest on the island of Hispaniola, and the second longest in the Caribbean. Pollution and deforestation have negatively impacted its water quality, though it is still used some for irrigation and production of hydroelectricity. Coming inland from the ocean, smaller boats can navigate the river for half its length. Pray for both a boat owner and someone involved in the hydroelectric industry to hear and respond in faith to the gospel.

3.   Pray that today the Father will grant His peace to His Haitian children, giving them a strong sense that He will take care of them during this tumultuous time.

Revelation 22:1,17
