Black Sea: Europe & Asia

   The Black Sea is a very interesting body of water. It has two distinct layers: the top 10% is freshwater, while the lower 90% is salt water, with almost no oxygen mixed in. The condition of this lower layer is conducive to the preservation of once living things and even ancient shipwrecks; a 2,400 year old Greek sunken ship was found there.

   Ten of Europe’s largest rivers flow into the Black Sea, whose drainage basin is two-thirds the size of Europe. The Black Sea has been in the news frequently during the past two years due to the current Russian-Ukrainian War. It is very important in facilitating commerce and trade.

1.   “Red and yellow, black and white –  they are precious in His sight…” So goes a line from the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World.” Interestingly, there are also world seas named for each of those colors. Pray for the children of the world living around each of those seas to hear that Jesus loves them. Pray for Christians to go tell them this good news, and disciple the children who believe it.

2.   The two pictures above were originally part of one panoramic view of the Black Sea’s coastline near Inceburun. Pray for each member of the family in the second picture to trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

3.   The Greeks once called the Black Sea the “Inhospitable Sea,” due to both storms / navigational challenges, and hostile tribes along the coastline. However, after successful colonization, it was renamed the “Hospitable Sea.” Pray for the Christians who live in the drainage basin of the Black Sea to yield today to the Holy Spirit’s work in their hearts, that He may continue to transform their lives into the image of Christ, thus making them more and more hospitable to the reign of their Father.

Revelation 22:1,17
