Sunday Series: African Deacons

Psalm 122:1

I was glad when they said unto me,

Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

1. The continent of Africa contains 54 nations, 1,000 official languages, and 15% of the world’s population ( Pray for today’s African deacons to be “of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,” as were the first deacons, described in Acts 6:3.

2.   According to, 19 of those 54 countries have very high or extreme levels of religious persecution. Pray for deacons in those countries to have the hand of God on their lives as they serve His church.

3.   Pray for African deacons to have opportunities to further grow in their understanding of God’s word, and be successful in the discipleship of their children.

Thank you for praying!
