Congo (Zaire) River: Africa

The Congo River is Africa’s second longest river, and the world’s third largest river by discharge volume. With a maximum depth of 720 feet, the Congo River is the deepest river in the world. It provides 30% of the continent’s freshwater, and close to 80 million people live in the Congo River basin.

1.   Praying for the nine pictured people who are shipping wood on the Congo River to hear and believe the gospel before the end of this year.

2.   Around 500,000 African Pygmies (very short people) live in the Congo basin. Sadly, many African countries consider these tribal groups to be second class humans, and they don’t enjoy the same access to citizenship, education, and property ownership. Pray for several pygmies who are keenly feeling that rejection today to be introduced to the Father’s love, and accept His invitation to become “accepted in the Beloved.”,health%20care%20and%20education%20access.&text=There%20are%20roughly%20500%2C000%20Pygmies%20remaining%20in%20the%20rainforest%20of%20Central%20Africa

3.   Pray for a person living in close proximity to the Congo River who shares your name (or a translation with the same meaning as your name) to become a child of God, that he or she may one day receive a special new name in glory (Rev. 2:17).

Revelation 22:1,17
