Amazon River: South America

   The Amazon River discharges more water than any other river on earth, enough to fill 83 Olympic size swimming pools every second. It is also a close rival to the Nile for being the longest river in the world.

   Here are some stats on the people who live in the Amazon River basin:

* 47 million people (

* 300 languages (

* 385 indigenous people groups (

* 100 tribes who have not had contact with the rest of the world (

1.   Pray for the gospel to reach 3 of those 100 tribes this year.

2.   Pray for Baptist missionaries working in the Amazon River basin to see a great harvest of souls, and much progress in discipleship endeavors.

3.  Pray for a boy living in Vila do Maquira to hear about / accept Jesus’ love, and be called to preach the Word of God.

Revelation 22:1,17
