Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Senj.

1. Above is the Nehaj Fortress, whose name means “don’t care.” Built in the sixteenth century by the Uskoks, the name was given as a reassurance to the townspeople of Senj that they did not have to worry about the security of the fortress, because the Uskoks would never let it be captured. Pray for the Lord to encourage a Christian in Senj today with the truth that His kingdom is eternally unshakable, beyond what any earthly army could ever claim.
2. The Nehaj Fortress is now a museum. Pray for someone who will walk this brick path today to also begin walking the straight and narrow road to the Celestial City.
3. Senj has a population of around ten thousand people. A basic internet search does not produce the names of any Baptist (or baptistic type in doctrine) churches in the city. Pray for this to change.
Romans 10:17
This post was originally published on January 30, 2023.