Saturday Morning Recap

2 Corinthians 4:6

For it is the God Who commanded light to shine out of darkness, Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

1. Pisa, Italy: Pray for a teacher at Pisa’s Elizabeth English Academy to sit at the feet of the Master Teacher (through reading the Scriptures), and come back thirsty to know Him more.

2. Gimcheon, South Korea: Located in almost South Korea’s exact geographical center, Gimcheon is on the main transportation route leading from Seoul to Busan. The city is famous for Jikjisa Temple, built in 418. Pray for a family that has been connected to Korean Buddhism for centuries to know the only Way, Truth, and Life, with many family members coming to the Father by Him.

3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

Peawanuck, Canada

James Ross Island, Antarctica

Thank you for praying!
