Peawanuck, Canada

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Peawanuck.

1. The horse of yesteryear is the pickup of today. Drivers expect their trucks to be tough and dependable for the long haul. Pray that a pickup owner in Peawanuck will trust Christ for salvation, and have those character qualities himself in regard to serving his new Owner.

2. Peawanuck is a Cree settlement on the Winisk River, about 20 miles from where it empties into the Hudson Bay. In May of 1986, flooding caused by an ice jam destroyed 58 of the village’s 60 buildings, and residents relocated 19 miles to their current location. Amazingly, they rebuilt their community in 7 months, hurrying to finish before the coming winter. ( Pray that anyone born in 1986 in Peawanuck will come to know the God Who once saved 8 people from the biggest Flood ever, and still offers protection from sin by entering the only Ark of Salvation – Jesus.

3. In the article referenced above, Wikipedia states that there are a few born again Christians in Peawanuck. Pray for each of these believers, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord today, and learn something new of their Father from His Word.

Psalm 67

This post was originally published on March 17, 2023.
