Salzburg, Austria

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Salzburg.

1. Notice the very large rock formation/mountaintop in the center of the picture. There are several Google Earth 360° photos of the city and Salzach River from this great vantage point, pictures taken in all four seasons. Pray for someone visiting there today to come to the Rock of Ages and find eternal perspective and peace in Him.

2. Mozart’s Geburtshaus is the place of his 1756 birth, where his family lived on the third floor of the building. Today it is a museum. Pray that the most ardent Mozart fan in the world would come to know the greatest music a soul can join, the echo of Revelation 4:10-11.

3. Volksgarten (middle right side) is a park, and Nord Sam (top left corner) is a campground. Pray that a family enjoying each of these places will see God’s fingerprints in the beauty of His creation, and search / believe His Word for life’s answers.

Psalm 107:1-3

This post was originally published on January 16, 2023.
