Makhachkala, Dagestan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Makhachkala.

1.   Dagestan is a Russian republic of 3.2 million people. Less than 24 hours ago, an antisemitic mob stormed the pictured airport. Rushing onto the runway, they surrounded an airplane that had flown in from Tel Aviv, in an effort to find individuals with Israeli passports. They also stopped cars leaving the airport to check paperwork in an attempt to identify Israelis. Pray for Jews in Makhachkala who are uneasy about the future to find the answers they need in their Messiah.

2.   Pray for children of all ethnicities in Makhachkala to know the Light of the World – Jesus.

3.   Pray for a Muslim family to realize that they need Jehovah God and the finished redemptive work of Jesus for salvation.

Genesis 12:3
