Acapulco, Mexico

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Acapulco.

1.   Acapulco is a major tourist destination on Mexico’s Pacific coast. This week it was hit by Hurricane Otis, a tropical storm that rapidly morphed into a category five hurricane. At least twenty-seven people have lost their lives as a result of the devastating impact. Pray for twenty-seven of their family members who are struggling with all the questions that loss brings to find the hope and peace that God alone can give.

2.   Half a million people lost electricity after Otis struck. Pray for families still without power to experience the Lord’s provision for daily needs, and for physical stamina for utility workers working feverishly to restore basic services.

3.   Pray for Acapulco’s Christians to depend on the stability of their Father as they face today’s challenges, and to represent Christ well to the unsaved around them by the enabling of the Spirit.

Psalm 119:54
