Hadera, Israel: El Paso, TX; Big Spring, TX; and Charlotte, NC, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfields of these four sister cities.

1. Hadera, Israel: Hadera is a town on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in northern Israel. It is a twenty minute drive south of Caesarea, where Paul was imprisoned for two years under Felix and Festus. Pray for the salvation of the next person to enter the pictured building on the Mifrats Binyamin Beach.

2. El Paso, TX, USA: Pray for a worshipper at each of El Paso’s two synagogues to accept the New Testament as equally authoritative with the Old Testament.

3. Big Spring, TX, USA: Big Spring was originally a major Commanche gathering place to organize trading and raiding groups. The US currently has 17,000 Commanche tribe members. Pray for the Holy Spirit to mightily use the endeavors of Christian Commanches who are reaching out to others with the gospel.

4. Charlotte, NC: Charlotte is home to both a Samaritan’s Purse warehouse and BBN, a major international Christian radio network. Pray for the Lord to bless both of those ministries today.

Psalm 67:6-7
