Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfields of these sister cities.

1. Karmiel is located in the Galilee region of northern Israel, and has a population of around 46,000. Pray for skateboarding enthusiasts who normally frequent the colorful park above to experience an even greater thrill than coming off a steep ramp – being personal friends with the God of the universe.
2. Pray for family members of IDF personnel from Karmiel who have been killed in the last ten days.
3. Karmiel is one of several cities that is hosting Jewish families who had to leave their homes near Gaza. Pray for both a host and a guest family to come to Christ.
4. Denver, CO, has an estimated 91,000 Jewish residents, close to 13% of the city’s population. Pray for a dozen of those families to find life in their Messiah before the end of the year.
5. The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has a website with information about current events. Pray for the salvation of their website developer.
Psalm 25:22