Thimphu, Bhutan

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Thimphu.

1.  Pictured above are white Buddhist prayer flags on a hill overlooking the city. Pray that the Lord will send someone to explain what prayer really is (talking to a personal God, made possible by Jesus’ work) to the person responsible for setting up the flags. Pray for that person to then pray the “sinner’s prayer” in faith, thus beginning a life of Biblical prayer to the Father.

2.   The “Gross National Happiness” is a philosophy that guides many of Bhutan’s governmental policies. Pray for a person seeking that elusive condition to find the joy that Jesus offers instead.

3.   Thimphu is Bhutan’s capital city, and has 1/7 of the country’s population. Pray for 7 of those 115,000 people to hear about and trust Jesus soon.

Psalm 113:3

This post was originally published on March 21, 2023.
