Tihuano, Ecuador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tihuano.

1.   Pictured above is the location of the Waorani tribal headquarters. The Waorani were a fierce people previously known as the Aucas. This was the tribe that killed the five missionaries who first came to bring them the gospel. However, today the gospel has transformed many lives. Pray for evangelism and discipleship to continue to flourish among the Waorani.

2. Nate Saint was the missionary pilot of that group of five. After his death, his sister Rachel moved into the tribe and worked for thirty years to introduce Jesus to the Waorani. His son Steve also lived there for a time, and founded ITEC to help carry out the Great commission among indigenous peoples. While testing a wing for a new aircraft in 2012, he was injured and became partially paralyzed from the neck down. Pray for the Lord to give Steve strength for the difficult daily challenges he faces.

3. Pray for wisdom for the Waorani elders as they lead their people.

Psalm 67:2
