Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of San Gregorio de Polanco.

1. Note the condition of the four trees above; there is an obvious lack of foliage. Pray that any Christians passing by these trees will not have the same characteristics true of their lives spiritually: that their leaves will not whither, and that they will not be barren / unfruitful. Pray that they will instead add the things to their faith mentioned in 2 Peter 1:5-8.
2. With a population of around 3500, San Gregorio de Polanco will be 170 years old on November 27, 2023. Pray that by the end of the year, 170 residents will have made salvation decisions.
3. Pray for workers at a hydroelectric plant on the local manmade lake to hear the gospel this week, and respond in faith.
Romans 5:8