Sabha, Libya

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Sabha.

1. Pray for a manager at this facility to become a Christian, and grow to reflect Jesus by the way he relates to those under his authority.

2. When speaking to the church at Philadelphia, Jesus said that He had set before then an open door which no one could shut (Rev. 3:8). Pray for the same thing to be true for any believers in Sabha, and that they will keep His Word and walk through that door of opportunity.

3. Sabha’s practice of selling refugees as slaves was highlighted by the UN in 2017. Pray for a dozen people still in bondage to meet the God of hope, the only One Who can turn the terrible sufferings of this world into mere “light affliction” in comparison with the eternal glory He offers to all Who call upon His name (2 Cor. 4:16-18).

John 10:10
