Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kolaka.
Every post this week will feature a city from Indonesia. Sunday morning, Bill Hall told me an interesting fact that I was very surprised to learn: Indonesia is the fourth most populated nation in the world (after India, China, and the USA). A search of TGP’s two years of featured cities revealed only two from Indonesia. So, with it being a country of 273.8 million souls, let’s get praying…

1. According to the US website, 87.2% of Indonesians are Muslim. That’s close to 240 million people. Pray for the Lord to bless, provide for, sustain, and receive a bountiful spiritual harvest from every Biblical great commission outreach to these people for whom Christ died.
2. The women/children above are watching an outdoor guitar player perform on a lighted stage. Pray that each person in the picture will hear a Christian song, be curious about its meaning, have an opportunity to learn more, and believe the Truth.
3. Pray for a bricklayer in Kolaka to meet the One who provides rest for both the physically and spiritually weary.
John 3:36