Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Philadelphia.

1. Now known as Independence Hall, the Pennsylvania State House is where the Declaration of Independence was signed, officially birthing the United States of America. Benjamin Rush, one of Pennsylvania’s delegates, described the atmosphere of the room as a “pensive and awful silence which pervaded the house,” for the men knew the magnitude of what they were doing, and the risk of signing their names to the document. Pray that God Almighty will always give Americans courage to do what they know is right.
2. A large fireworks show at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway is planned for tonight. Pray that one of the workers in that event will be saved today, that he may know the truth and enjoy the greatest kind of freedom (John 8:32).
3. Pray for Amish families near Philadelphia to understand that salvation is God’s unmerited gift.
Psalm 96:12-13